Monday, April 2, 2007

Conair an Cheo FAQ

Introduction to Conair an Cheo

What is Conair an Cheo?
What does Conair an Cheo mean?
What does hard polytheistic mean?
What does pagan mean?
Who do you worship?
What do you believe?
Who is in charge?
Which is more important- believing or doing?

Are you...

Are you Celtic Reconstructionists?
Are you Druids?
Are you Wiccans?
Are you Shamans?
Are you Rennies/SCA members?
Are you Satanists?
Are you Witches?


What do you believe the Divine is?
What do you believe the gods are?
Why do you think we're here?
Do you have a creation story?
What do you think happens when you die?
What is the ethical basis of Conair an Cheo?
Where do the ancestors fit in?
Where do the land spirits and fairies fit in?
How important are offerings?
Do you have hard and fast rules about hot topics?


Do you use magic?
Do you have a holy book?
What kind of groups do you work in?
How do you worship?
Are you all priests?
Do you worship the Lord and Lady?
Do you create sacred space?
What holidays do you celebrate?
What kinds of rituals do you have?
Do you have to be a priest/ess to perform a ritual?
How do I make offerings?
Do you perform sacrifices?
What kinds of practices are involved daily?
Where does nature fit into your practices?
Do you take special names?
Do you have a Book of Shadows?
Do you work skyclad?
Do you have familiars?


How can I join?
Do you have to be Irish to join?
How old do I have to be to join?
Can I be a member of X and Conair an Cheo?
Are initiations necessary?
What books are good for someone new to Conair an Cheo?
Do I have to pay to join?


Why did you create Conair an Cheo?
Is Conair an Cheo a path, or a religion, or what?
Why do you use Irish Gaelic phrases and words?
What is this "thwapping" business, and is it important?
Why doesn't x match with what I read in book y?
How are alternative lifestyles viewed?
Are you all feminists/vegetarians/vegans/pacifists?
How much can you teach a child?

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