Thursday, April 5, 2007

The To-Do List

I have a lot of things I need to get done, both for the path and for my own religious practice.

I want to write a basic, standardized Altú, which is a weekly, sort of two part thanks-giving ritual. At the moment I only have a vague idea of what I want for it. I'll do a single person version first, and then work on adapting it for more than one person.

For me personally, I want to work on specific deity prayers, and a prayer to say before bed.

I want to get started on writing my deity essays. I know that I've not started because I'm waiting to read more and know more, and completely ignoring the fact that once written, they are not in stone. They can be edited and changed, and they have to start somewhere.

The calendar needs a lot of work. A painfully large amount of work. An Cór always celebrates the four solar holidays (the solstices and equinoxes) but also has holidays that are situated based on the locale; ie, the holiday for the beginning of summer would be different depending on if one lived in Maine or Pennsylvania, and someone living along the equator probably wouldn't have a beginning of winter holiday. Also requiring my attention are Na Tinente Chnámh Mór, which encompasses the deity specific holidays. I have all the deities placed, so to speak, based almost entirely on my own UPG, but I'm worried that I've been more focused on balancing the year than placing the deities' holidays where they are most appropriate. I'll have to work on that as I go through and name them, as well as lock down specific dates.

I need to write about the various life milestone and path milestones; I need to write about offerings, sacrifice, geasa and mionn mór; I need to write about the seven merits and talk more about ethics and morals. I need to write more about non-Irish practices being done in conjunction with Conair an Cheo. I want to pull together a list of all the myths that are of importance to us, and their various interpretations; I may or may not write my own interpretations- I was playing with the idea, but I'm not sure it's something I want to take on quite yet.

And I forgot that I need to work on my shrine designs, so I can get the materials and start building.

I have too much to do!

// Juni


Unknown said...

What you're doing here sounds really cool- pretty close to Celtic Reconstructionism. Couple questions- do you celebrate the 4 Celtic Fire Festivals as well? (Samhain, Beltaine, Lughnasadh and Imbolc) those tend to be more emphasized than
the solstices and equinoxes.

Also which deities do you consider the major ones and which minor and why?

I guess all shall be revealed in time, I'm just curious.

Katrina said...

I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner- I didn't have the comment emails enabled for some reason, so I just noticed your comment!

I do have holy days on the 4 Celtic Fire Festivals, and the names are all very similar, but they don't fulfill *precisely* the same roles as the originals. Lughnasadh & Imbolc's counterparts, for instance, are simply holidays honoring the respective deities, with nothing (or little, anyhow) to do with any seasonal changes. Similarly, Samhain does not fulfill a "New Year" sort of role, but does focus on the Beloved Dead; Beltane focuses more on the Good Folk than anything else.

Deities. This is a little harder, as a lot of it rests on my UPG (unverified personal gnosis). Basically, I made as comprehensive of a list of Irish deities as I could manage, what roles they played and what they were often associated with, and whittled one list down to the most prominent deities with the least amount of overlap between roles and associations. That condensed list became Na nDéithe Mór, the Great Gods, and the rest became Na nDéithe Lasmuigh, the Outer Gods.